Friday, 20 March 2009

Affordable Search Engine Optimization

With the high prices charged by many SEO firms, affordable search engine optimization is what everyone is looking for. What is affordable search engine optimizaion? The main purpose of SEO is to increase a websites ranking and the purpose of increased ranking is increased profits from your website. Affordable search engine optimization increases the number of dollars flowing into your pocket over and above the cost of the search engine optimization. Preferably in a big way.

What many people searching for affordable search engine optimization fail to understand is that increasing website ranking is a two-step process. The first step is targeting searched for keywords in the meta-tags, headings and text of your website page in the proper proportion. This gives the search engine something to sink its algorithm teeth into.

The second step, and just as important, is to increasing the number of back links to your website. No back links - No ranking - no matter how well the search engine optimization was done. Back links are links pointing to your website and you can get them from directories, articles, social bookmarking sites, blogs, press releases, anywhere an Internet page links to your website.

Once you have achieved good ranking you need to maintain it. If you snooze you loose. Check out Rankkeeper. A very affordable way to keep you website's ranking.

So if a SEO company offers to search engine optimize your website to increase rankings, ask, "how many back links come with that offer."

If they don't have a complete program that includes building long-term back links to raise your websites ranking then you can't afford to pay good money and get only half the job done.

Search Engine Optimization Contract

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