Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Free Mobile Phone Tracking - Is This A Serious Privacy Issue?

GPS mobile phone tracking is something that has been under considerable question lately after a number of online tracking services have been introduced. Put to test, these services can pin point anyone's location with a cell phone present to an accuracy of meters.

So whats in it for their customers and why has there been so much controversy? Well, a system like this can have its benefits. A women in the UK was reportedly managed to track her missing son. There have however been other reports of outrage when couples have been using this free system to catch a suspected cheating partner. Businesses have also been taking advantage of this free mobile phone tracking website for industrial espionage.

The introduction of such services were first seen last year, since then their accuracy has improved as well as the speed. The online tracking system uses satellite GPS taking advantage of 'triangulation'. Its ability to trace mobile cell phones was discovered accidentally. Since then Mobile Locate has been improving the system constantly.

There's been much speculation whether this mobile phone tracking system will stay around or if privacy issues will cause the service to close. For now though free mobile phone tracking is possible online. The website is currently performing thousands of searches per day. Earlier on this year the website improved there system to handle more searches.

A typical search would return location of the searched person(s) cell phone by map, on screen. Accuracy varies but Mobile Locate.net state that depending on your country of origin may result in a slight variation. Larger areas are less likely to be accurate, where as a denser populated area could prove more effective.

Another benefit is that the searched person would never find out. Perform a free mobile phone trace at Mobile Locate.

Free cellphone tracking to find and  locate cell phone owner is considered a very powerful tool, not only in industry but for personal reasons too. Its thought that as the progression of technology carries on, even more sophisticated means of mobile phone tracking will arise.

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